Camera-Ready Submission for ASONAM, FOSINT-SI, HIBIBI, FAB and workshops
All accepted papers must be submitted via easychair using the NEW link given below. Before you proceed to submit your revised version, please carefully read the following:
(1) You must revise your paper by carefully considering all comments from the reviewers.
(2) Prepare and submit the final revised camera-ready version of your paper according to the instructions for IEEE two-columns format click here
(3) Include on the bottom of the first page of your revised paper the IEEE copyright note which fits all authors the best click here .
(4) Validate your camera-ready version using PDF eXpress; use 44025X for the ASONAM 2018 Conference ID, your email address and password, click here .
(5) Upload your revised camera-ready paper using easychair as new submission.
(6) Keep the new paper ID which will be assigned to your camera-ready version. Use the new paper ID in all forms to be completed, including registration, copyright, etc. You should never use any old paper ID which was assigned to your initial submission.
Latex instructions on how to add the Header with the conference information
\fancyhead[C]{Conference on \LaTeX} %% C or L or R.
%\fancyfoot[L]{This is a notice}% %% C or L or R.
\hspace*{\dimexpr0.5\paperwidth\relax}%% change \dimexpr0.5\paperwidth\relax appropriately
\makebox(0,-0.75)[c]{\textbf{2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM)}}}}
Latex instructions on how to add the Copyright strip
Please insert the following code just after the /maketitle and before /begin{abstract}: \IEEEoverridecommandlockouts
\makebox[\columnwidth][t]{IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2018, August 28-31, 2018, Barcelona, Spain}
\makebox[\columnwidth][t]{978-1-5386-6051-5/18/\$31.00~\copyright\space2018 IEEE} \hfill} \hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{}}